Sunday, October 6, 2013

Music Video Analysis: Sing For Absolution by Muse

This has been selected as the genres of alternative and progressive rock of this have elements in common with "Mr Brightside", my target song, due to the complexity of the musical structure. "Sing For Absolution" opens on New Earth; a gloomy palette being portrayed and the sad instrumental music as well as restrained composition all combine to symbolise how hopeless the environment is. Environmentalism is a key theme in this song, alongside a science-fiction theme, in which environmentalism is often portrayed so this adds a different flavour. The story is about a team of astronauts that's trying to colonise a planet, with a Cryo module that has humans, the lyrics set up to be deep in themes and already target a mature audience so it has the potential to appeal to a large age range, including mine.

"Lips are turning blue, a kiss that can't renew" are the first lyrics and said by the pilot; him thinking about someone he loves and because the environment is cold and lifeless, it adds meaning. As the video goes on, the background music becomes more aggressive and apparently guitar power-chord focused, a theme used in alternative rock and it goes well with the lyrics because the team feel there's no going back.

A variety of shots are used, establishing shots an important one as well as close-ups that particularly express the drama. The video is very narrative-driven, meaning there's more of a cinematic feeling, which provides a different kind of music video, appealing to a wide range of people in addition to Muse's target audience that is people around fourteen to twenty. The analysis of music videos by bands who are targeting a younger crowd makes it useful.

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