This has been selected as it's different from the previous one and is further in the direction of where I want to take my advert. The masthead at the top is quite a vivid font and the trademark typography for Alter Bridge. The colour which is red symbolises distortion and has a masculine quality, keeping in line with also looking experimental and masculine in appearance, while it keeps in touch with what alternative and heavy rock and heavy metal are about.
The background is bleak, with de-saturated colour and a house that barely stands, the clouds at the top having an aggressive appearance and it sets up an uneasy atmosphere. So far the audience would be in line with heavy metal and hard rock, part of Alter Bridge's genres as it conforms to some of the codes and conventions and it's debatable whether this would appeal to an age range of people sixteen to twenty five. This is as it gives the impression of being one of those niche bands.
The first subheading "THE STUNNING NEW ALBUM" has sharp typography and a clear white colour, contrasting the ethos of heavy metal and hard rock because it doesn't give much of an impression of being fierce. that goes against the ethos of heavy metal and hard rock because the impression isn't fierce. The main heading is "FORTRESS", the name of the album and it has a similar style that could be expected from Alter Bridge, as it has the look of wanting to make a strong appearance. The font for that as well as the masthead have an experimental overview and it follows alternative rock going against the norm, as most of the typography is different to what normally might be expected.
Another subheading says "FEATURING THE SINGLE 'ADDICTED TO PAIN" in the same style as part of the gig venues, adding a sense of continuity and adding enough interest to make sure the readers may invest in this album. There's an unclear question about whether it would appeal to my age range as although the advert is striking, it conforms to codes and conventions of the two genres to the point where it's clearly going after a niche audience. Next to the amazon pre-order link is an offer of a free guitar pick necklace with the pre-order, adding incentive to Alter Bridge's target audience and people who have ambitions of being a rock guitarist.
There is information featured about the release date and gig dates and this type of information is a convention of music magazine adverts. Websites are listed too, especially amazon.co.uk where an offer is made to receive a free guitar pick necklace if pre-ordered so this acts as a puff. The other websites are of the band and record company (Road Runner Records). To summarise, the advert acts as an enigma code because the background sets up the atmosphere but doesn't really give anything away about the album, other than it features a single. How the advert has been constructed is appealing because the aesthetic is reminiscent of all three genres, so will likely be successful in attracting the audience of alternative, heavy rock and heavy metal.
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