Saturday, September 14, 2013

First idea for a music video

The first idea for a music video is to create an original story based on the lyrics of "That's Not My Name" by The Ting Tings, where their style of diegesis is off-beat and allows for creativity. The story is set in 1972 and about a female newspaper journalist, as woman rights were complicated in those days. She works for The Guardian and decides to form an uprising as she's often neglected and not given the jobs that males have, this video being intended to be a comment on woman rights and what the newspaper industry was like. Therefore the main demographic will be females and friends join her, intended to be portrayed by Megan Wainwright and Beatrice Morris. Harry Bowers is set as the head of The Guardian and William Chong as a police officer who steps in when things spiral and get out of control. 

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