Friday, November 15, 2013

Target Audience - questionnaire

To get some general views from my target audience I asked 15 respondents to answer the following questions:
General Questions
What is your age group:
16-25 □ 26-35 □ 36-45 □ 45-55 □
Are you male or female?

Genre Questions
What are your thoughts on Dance-Punk (for instance in the style of The Ting Tings and The Prodigy)?
What are your thoughts on New Wave (in the style of The Killers and The Police)?
When you hear of a band such as The Killers what do you expect music to be like?
Do you prefer music videos that are driven by the performance of the artist creativity story?
Do you think a story based around a relationship would fit a music video based on the genre of New Wave (in the style of bands including the Killers)?

Magazine Advert Questions
What would be your preference in a magazine advert for a band from the following choices:
Artistic shots □ Band Members □ Information on songs □ Clear contact information □ 
How many magazine adverts would you flick through before you get disinterested?

Listening Questions
How often do you buy music out of the following:
More than once a month □ Once a month □Twice a year □ Never
What’s your preferred method of purchasing music?
I don’t purchase music □ Downloading □ Buying CDs online □ Buying CDs from a shop
What’s the main appeal of downloading music?

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